What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is where we lose bone density and our bones become more brittle and weaker. This makes us prone to bone fractures from a simple bump or a minor fall. The most common areas of Osteoporosis are hips, spine, and wrist….. not the type of bones you want to break when you […]
How much exercise is enough to be healthy?
How much exercise is enough to achieve good health? This is a question I get asked quite often and I usually need to ask the person what their idea of good health is as I have learned that people have varied definitions of good health. Some of these are: Be a healthy weight Get rid […]
Exercise and fitness myths: Get the truth.
Myth 1 – Unused muscle will turn to fat Truth: If you stop doing strength training your muscles will shrink and the smaller muscle bulk lowers your metabolism. If you don’t modify your eating in line with your drop in exercise you will put fat on. The muscle remains as muscle albeit smaller, you just […]
Exercise and fitness in the workplace
612 ABC Radio interview about exercise and fitness in the workplace and what you can do to have a healthier workplace.
Fit band, will it really help you get fit?
612 ABC Radio segment Fit band, will it really help you get fit? 612 ABC Radio Brisbane invited John on to give his expert comments on “is your fit band really helping you get fit”. Click on the heading above to listen.
Is it OK to exercise when I have a cold?
Yes, it is OK to exercise when you have a cold but there is a general guide to exercising with cold or flu like symptoms. Mild to moderate physical activity is usually OK if you have a garden-variety cold and no fever. Exercise may even help you feel better by opening your nasal passages and […]